Soutien social aux victimes de stress opérationnel
Musée des Forces Aéroportées Canadiennes
Claude Gratton, Cyprus 1974
Me entering my room, Maple Leaf Manor
Me on left and Cpl André (Gino) Roy in front of canteen, Maple Leaf Manor
Me and Herman (Monster) in our wet canteen that we just finished renovating on Invasion Day 20 July and before evacuation
Me with "one arm bandit" in renovated canteen, on Invasion Day, 20 July and before evacuation
One of the views on the "Green-line", before getting on the "Red-line"
Me in front of my painting in the canteen, Maple Leaf Manor, on Invasion Day and just before evacuating
In the canteen, waiting for debriefing on Invasion Day, Barman is Cpl Gaudreault and at bar is Cpl André Roy
Taken from the roof, Maple Leaf Manor
Taken from the roof, Maple Leaf Manor
Behind the Maple Leaf Manor, Turkish House
New's Reporters arriving at the Maple Leaf Manor, The "Coup"
Taken from the roof, Maple Leaf Manor
I'm trying to hide my camera. This is round-point in front of "Paphos Gate" on the right and in the middle you see a Tank! This was during the "Coup" before Invasion Day
On the roof, Maple Leaf Manor, Invasion Day, the Turks were jumping but my camera was an instamatic so can't see them
Patrol on the "Red-line", JC Berger was my driver before the Coup, left side of the street is Turkish. Notice the "views" for bunker
Patrol on the "Red-Line" before the "Coup". Right Side of the stree is Greek. Notice the "views" for bunker. Also notice how we were equiped...a damn broom stick as a flag holder.
School where students were killed by the Turks. I think it is a school house on the Green-line
Me on my bed, writing a letter or taking notes, Maple Leaf Manor
Patrol on the "Green-line" in Nicosia, left is the Turks and the right is the Greeks, during the Coup
Along side the "Green-line"
View of "pass-way" in the Maple Leaf Manor. I'm standing in the Exit.
This the "green-line" and the Maple Leaf Manor. You can see the entrance and exit between is our canteen where Guy is sitting.
Another view of the "Green-line"
Me, in front of the "Ferettes" before going on patrol in them. Several days after the invasion, at the Ledra Palace, Notice that there are no flak jackets
Me, took "camo" off my helmet, while house cleaning the Ledra on the 21st or 22 July, still shooting going on outside. I am taking booze from the bar!
Me and trooper Michel Beauchemin on invasion day, after the debriefing from Capt Forand
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