Soutien social aux victimes de stress opérationnel
Musée des Forces Aéroportées Canadiennes
Peacekeeping Parade, 6 August 2006
UN-Day Ceremonies at the Peacekeeping Monument in Ottawa marking the 18th anniversary of the UN Peacekeeping Force being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Minister of National Defence, Gordon O'Connor
Ceremonial Band
UN Veterans on parade
Canon, David Saunders. Padre in Cyprus during 1974 invasion of Cyprus
Claudette Perron, eldest sister of Gilbert Perron putting the flowers in the morter
MC, Pierre Lamontagne
UN and Airborne Veterans on Parade
Sylvain Guevrement carrying the Airborne Regiment Association Flag
Airborne veterans on parade
Airborne Veterans on Parade
Ceremonial Band
Flags on parade
Claudette Perron, accompanied by Michel Plouffe. Claudette, is the oldest sister of Para Gilbert Perron who was killed in Cyprus in 1974. She is being presented the Memorial Cross, Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal, UN Medal for Cyprus (UNFICYP) and the Dag Hammarskjold Medal.
The Bugler, looked sharp and didn't miss a note
The monument to all Peacekeepers
Claudette Perron, accompanied by Michel Plouffe and the MND
Claudette Perron putting flowers in the morter
Veterans who were in Cyprus in 1974, with members of the Perron Family. Left to Right: Louis Lapierre, David Jannison, Réal Fraser, Roger Galien, Joe Drouin, Mike La Pierre, MGen Marc Lessard (Son of Col. Guy Lessard who was in Cyprus in 1974), Marcelle Perron, Michel Plouffe, Ginette Perron, Daniel Perron, Claudette Perron, Padre David Saunders, Remi Lefebvre (Korea, was not in Cyprus in 1974), Réal Gagnon, BGen Clay Beattie.
MGen Marc Lessard, the Perron Family, Canon David Saunders
BGen Clay Beattie, the Perron family, CWO Joe Drouin
The stone on the wall engraved with the Cyprus mission
The wall depicting all the United Nations missions
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